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Admin server provide http api to control static web files version upgrade, so should take care for access, it's disabled by default.

The http api is described by curl command. You can run it in linux after variable changed.


It very simple, put Token to request http header: Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN

Simple API Without spa-client

These api give you simple info about serving domain, and you can change the version of SPA.

There are environment variables for shell:

# admin_server.token

Get all domains status

curl "$ADMIN_SERVER/status" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
# return json: [{"domain":"","current_version":2,"versions":[1,2]}]

Get specific domain status

curl "$ADMIN_SERVER/status?domain=$DOMAIN" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
# return json: {"domain":"","current_version":1,"versions":[1]} 
# or status code:404

Get the domain upload file position info

it can be used with rsync/scp to upload web static files to the server.

FORMAT="Path"# or "Json", 
# "Path" will return the server location,you can use it with scp/rsync,
# "Json" will return the version and path
# format default value is "Path"
curl "$ADMIN_SERVER/upload/position?domain=$DOMAIN&format=$FORMAT" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
# return string if format is "Path": /$FILE_PATH/$DOMAIN/$NEW_VERSION 
# like /data/
# return json if format is "Json": 
# {"path":"/$FILE_PATH/$DOMAIN/$VERSION", version:$VERSION, "status": $STATUS}
# $STATUS is a number,
# 0: there no domain in server,
# 1: the version directory is new,
# 2: the version directory already has file

Update the domain version

Please be attention:

it will use the newest or biggest version after server restart/reload

OPT_VERSION is optional, if not set, will try to use the max version of this domain to put it online.


curl  -X POST "$ADMIN_SERVER/update_version"\
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--data-raw `{
    "version": OPT_VERSION,    
# return status code: 200(update version success)
# or 404 with string body: can not find files, please make sure you have upload files to correct place

# reload static web server
curl -X POST "$ADMIN_SERVER/reload" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Upload File API

These api are used with spa-client to upload files to the server.

Get files metadata

The result is used to prepare for uploading file. and it will calculate all files md5, so it's slow when there are large number of files.


curl "http://$ADMIN_SERVER/files/metadata?domain=$DOMAIN&version=$VERSION" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
# return [{path:$path_string,md5:$md5_string, length: $file_length_integer}]

Set domain version uploading status

spa-client use this api to tell admin server which domain version is to upload or upload finished.

UPLOADING_STATUS=0 # Uploading:0, Finish:1

curl --location --request POST "http://$ADMIN_SERVER/files/upload_status" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw `{
    "version": $VERSION,
    "status": $UPLOADING_STATUS
# return status code:200 if success

Upload file

The http body is multipart/form-data format.

curl -X POST "http://$ADMIN_SERVER/file/upload" \
-F "file=@$PATH" -F "domain=$DOMAIN" -F "version=$VERSION" -F "path=$PATH"  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
# return status code:200 if success

Delete deprecated domain files

# keep 2 versions. 
curl -X POST "http://$ADMIN_SERVER/files/delete" \
--data-raw `{
  "max_reserve": $MAX_RESERVE
# return status code:200 if success